
Monday, 1 April 2019

The Sweet, Tasty Red Kiwifruit

My teacher Mrs. Golder was really pleased with my current events work, and used it as a model to show my classmates what the writing task should look like. Here it is:


  1. Choose and study an event / problem / people that are currently making news or are happening;
  2. Discuss, debate and express an opinion on  the issues that are relevant to us and,
  3. Offer a solution to the problems that affect us most.

In 5 more weeks the kiwifruit marketer will release 30,000 trays full with red kiwifruits.

Zespri are releasing 30,000 trays of red kiwifruit. They are going to be released over the next 5 weeks.

They want feedback from the consumer, retailer and customer.  

When they get their feedback to check if it is good or bad, then  they will decide whether to keep on selling the fruit or not.

I think having a red kiwifruit is a good idea because people would think it would be tasty or sweet. And sometimes people might get confused about the red kiwifruit. For my class they will think it is different to them or weird to them also. Someday student might bring it to school for their classmate to taste it. It would also be good for the retailers so they can get more and more money in the future. I would think it would be good for New Zealand to grow them and the growers can share it with the world.

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